Shortfilm “Weil Ihr Nur Eure Hunde Liebt” wins 2 Awards


Unser Kurzfilm “Weil Ihr Nur Eure Hunde Liebt” von Regisseur Chehad Abdallah hat den Preis für das beste Drama beim “Wettbewerb der Rome International Movie Awards” im July 2023 und den Preis für den besten Kurzfilm beim “Mannheim Arts and Film Festival” gewonnen. Der Kurzfilm erforscht Träume und Misserfolge in modernen Städten und zeigt, wie kleine Zufälle zu großen Dramen führen können. Gezeigt wird die Geschichte von Hadis, einem Protagonisten, dessen entlaufener Papagei bei dem benachbarten Rentner Rainer Unterschlupf findet, was zu einer Reihe von Ereignissen führt, die die Anonymität des städtischen Lebens vor Augen führen.

Die “Rome International Movie Awards” sind ein internationales Filmfestival, bei dem mehrere Filme in verschiedenen Kategorien ausgezeichnet werden. Das “Mannheimer Arts and Film Festival” findet im Atlantis-Kino statt, das dem Publikum ermöglicht, sich voll und ganz auf den Film einzulassen und den Filmemachern die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Werke einem breiten Publikum zu zeigen.

In Erinnerung an Hartmut Becker. Rest in Peace.

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Director David Helmut Talent EASYdoesit

New Director in the EASYdoesit Family: Welcome, David Helmut


It all began around 1995. David borrowed his parents‘ new camcorder, cast his friends, and started shooting horror films or lip-syncing to Backstreet Boys in the basement, long before the era of YouTube or TikTok.
 David turned his hobby into a profession in 2009 when he trained as a cinematographer. In 2012, he furthered his education by studying directing in Munich.
 During his time in Munich, he founded his own creative production, Any Agency GmbH. Through this venture, he produced a myriad of TV commercials, music videos, and short films, earning multiple awards for his outstanding work.
Director Arrigo Reuss Talent EASYdoesit

New Director in the EASYdoesit Family: Welcome, Arrigo Reuss


The Berlin based filmmaker crafts powerful stories and visual portraits. His interest of people brings a human touch to all of his work. It all started while living in London as Arrigo was inspired by the characters and nitty-gritty bits of the city and decided to write his first screenplay. After moving across the pond, his professional film journey began in the creatively diverse petri dish of Berlin and he has since been directing music videos, commercials, and short films for an international clientele; working with names such as Sony, Universal, Deutsche Bahn, Bumble, and BBDO.

New Merch Drop


Perfect for the cold season, we are excited to announce the launch of our brand new Merch collection!  Designed with both style and comfort in mind, the “Blurry Hoodie”, “Zebra Sweater” and EASY- Beanie are exactly what you need to stay fresh, warm and cozy all winter long.  These limited-edition pieces are available for a short time only, so be sure to grab your favorite piece while it’s still in stock and make this winter a little bit cooler.