New Director in the EASYdoesit Family: Welcome, Chris Schwarz


Chris Schwarz ist ein deutscher Regisseur für Werbespots,
Musikvideos und Dokumentarfilme, der in Berlin lebt.
Angefangen als Filmemacher und Fotograf in der Berliner Musikfestivalszene, begleitete Chris schnell viele große deutsche Künstler auf ihren Konzerttouren wie Marteria, Casper, Die Toten Hosen & SEEED und war dabei für den visuellen Stil von bewegten und unbewegten Inhalten verantwortlich.
Es folgten viele Produktionen von Musikvideos, Dokumentationen und sogar Livestreams für Kunden wie Porsche, BMW, Mercedes-AMG, eBay, LIDL, Havana Club und viele mehr.
Heute ist Chris als Werbefilmregisseur mit Fokus auf Automotive Content tätig.
Christopher Schwarz wurde 1997 in einer Musikerfamilie geboren und wuchs in Straßburg in Frankreich und Frankfurt am Main in Deutschland auf.
Skateboarding weckte in seiner frühen Jugend sein Interesse am Filmen.

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Tatjana Wenig EASYdoesit News

New Director in the EASYdoesit Family: Welcome, Tatjana Wenig


Tatjana Wenig is an independent filmmaker with a unique style shaped by her background in pop culture and television. Originally from Munich, she gained experience in television production before beginning studies at the HFF Munich. Still a student, she entered the music video industry and seized the opportunity within the German rap trend to work on more than 100 music videos for various artists. She ventured into directing and worked with notable artists including Shirin David, Gims, David Guetta, Future, Luciano, Ufo361 and Robin Schulz. Unsatisfied with the status quo of the german rap scene, Tatjana founded the female creative collective FEMALE FORCE in 2021, which strives for more women behind the camera in all leading positions. With this mindset, Tatjana also works when directing commercials: her campaigns for McDonalds and Telekom were mainly female staffed.
Tom Streller Director EASYdoesit News

New Director in the EASYdoesit Family: Welcome, Tom Streller


Tom Streller came to filmmaking as a self-taught filmmaker. With a background in music production and skateboard videos, the Leipzig native developed his bold visual style in music videos. In the commercial film industry, he dynamically and emotionally charges technology and lifestyle films. Tom's unique approach combines knowledge of production, camera techniques and post-production. His flexible way of working is in line with current trends and allows him to develop exciting stories regardless of the scope of the project.

Shortfilm “Weil Ihr Nur Eure Hunde Liebt” wins 2 Awards


Our Shortfilm "Weil Ihr Nur Eure Hunde Liebt" directed by Chehad Abdallah won the award for Best Drama at the "Contest of Rome International Movie Awards" in July 2023 and the award for Best Short Film at the "Mannheim Arts and Film Festival".