DIRECTOR: Julia MückeYEAR: 2024CLIENT: Sony Music Entertainment
"Die Maschine" is the artist's first German-language track - a collaboration with Friedrich Liechtenstein, who gives the song a special depth. With a wink, the track addresses the way we deal with ‘paradise’ and combines ironic lyrics with a sample of the iconic ‘Hills of Katmandu’. A thoughtful but playful conclusion to the album.
DIRECTORJulia Mücke DOPNicola Rehbein EXECUTIVE PRODUCERGregor Möllers PRODUCERSelina Kaiser LINE PRODUCERChristopher Kane PRODUCTION ASSISTANTSGreta Wolf DRIVER/RUNNERLukas Wagner FIRST ADDaniela Höller FIRST ACLukas Plodek SECOND AC / DITLeon Haubner GAFFERAlex Kain ELECTRICIANJonatan Lux SET DESIGNERSusan Peter SET DESIGNAssistenz Laura Jacob HAIR & MAKE UPMonica Karsai STYLINGMarianka Benesch STYLING ASSISTENZTatjana Warnecke EDITORJulia Mücke GRADINGNicola Rehbein VFXMax Kaehni CATERINGTwoFingers RENTALSee You Rent, Raketa LOCATIONTheater im Delphi MAIN DANCERAlessia Ruffolo, Emiri Hosoda DOUBLEAlberto Wolf MUSIC/DJ PURPLEDisco Machine ARTISTFriedrich Lichtenstein